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Athena Ali - The Get Noticed Coach - Vlog Blog - Career Planning doesn't have to be boring

Career planning should excite you. It is the possibility of getting to the destination you want to get to.

The most successful people plan their careers, their businesses, and to some extent their lives. Planning or goal setting is all about taking action and getting somewhere.

You can only get somewhere fast if you decide you want to do it and take small steps each day to do it.

In this video, I talk about why your career plan should excite you and what you can do about making it a more interesting thing to do and implement in your life.

You can join Public Service Careers Australia Facebook Group here if you don’t want to miss these videos.

I go live each week every Thursday at 12.00pm and you can comment and ask questions while I’m there.

The FREE download mentioned in the video “6 steps to get unstuck and land a public service career you love” is below!


Athena Ali – The Get Noticed Coach   





Hi, I’m Athena Ali the Founder of The Get Noticed Coach.

I help mid-career professionals and leaders get noticed, get hired, and get ahead in a public service career they love, increase their income, get flexibility, paid professional development and where they can make a difference to the community.