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Ready to get the support you need?

Let’s get you noticed so you land a dream job where you can make an impact!

Ready to get the support you need?

Let’s get you noticed so you land a dream job where you can make an impact!

 i get it. you don’t have time. you work long hours & just want to relax when you get home

You’re great at your zone of genius, you know you can apply for the role, you’re just not great at selling yourself and articulating your greatness.

It’s the role of your dreams and you know what you want, you just need to get that application off and would prefer to spend the time with your family.

My aim is to take this task off your hands, let you relax with your family in the evening whilst I formulate documents that make recruiters and hiring managers want to interview you over everyone else! 

Here’s how I can support you

Here’s how I can support you


There are 4 ways you can work with me!

The Get Noticed Coach - transition from private sector to public sector

1:1 Private Coaching & Mentoring – 4 or 8 weeks


The Get Noticed Coach - job promotion

Get Noticed & Get Hired Group program

Get Noticed - Resume & Cover letter package

Done-for-You Resume/LinkedIn/Key Selection Criteria Packages

Get hired interview coaching

1:1 Interview Coaching

Customised Packages

Packages are all tailored to each individual person and can include all or some of the following:

Career Strategy, planning and mentoring

  • Career mindset coaching
  • Career guidance coaching
  • Job seeker coaching including assistance with job applications
  • Flexible work or Salary negotiation coaching
  • Interview coaching (including mock interviews and video interviews)
  • Online programs for Resume writing, Cover letters, Key Selection Criteria and LinkedIn profiles
  • Done-for-you Resumes, Cover letters, Key Selection Criteria
  • Cheatsheets included in coaching packages

Specific Packages

For those seeking a transition from private to public sector


For those seeking a promotion in the public sector

For those seeking to move out of the public sector into the private sector



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Interview Winning Resume Template for government job or public service role

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