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Kindly note that all times and dates referred to are based on Australian Eastern Standard Time (Melbourne, Victoria)

1. Choose your package or product. If you are unsure or are prompted to request a proposal, get in touch with me first.

2. Make your payment (send a receipt to me if you have paid by direct deposit).

3. You will receive a confirmation from me that I have received your payment with the indicative start and finish dates for your package.

4. I’ll then send you an online questionnaire. This may take a couple of hours to do as I tailor them for each and every application, especially if there are Key Selection Criteria. This therefore takes time as I make sure I ask the right questions.

5. I will ask for your existing Resume or any other application documents, generally, you can attach them to your questionnaire.

6. Once you’ve completed your questionnaire, I’ll start drafting your documents.

7. It will take up to 7 days to complete your documents after you have sent back all your information and made payment.
Why so long? Because I do significant research on the job you are applying for or hoping to apply for. The draft goes through several edits at my end and includes more than one proofread too.

8. I will then arrange a phone consultation with you just before your draft is finalised so that I can clarify any information received from you and also ensure that we reflect your personality in your documentation.

9. Your first draft is returned to you for comment.

10. All edits need to be advised to me within 3 business days of receipt of your draft.

11. You have two rounds of edits before your documents are finalised. Most of the time only one edit is required, if any.

12. Once you have approved your final documents, I will close off your project.

13. If you do need edits, they are turned around within 24 hours or sooner.

14. Your final documents are returned to you in PDF and also editable Word format so that you can apply for your dream job!


1. Do you do rush jobs?

There is VIP Premium Service and I only have two of these spots available each week. You will need to contact me to check in the first instance as I can get busy. VIP Premium treatment means anything between 2-5 days turnaround. Generally, I will not turnaround a service under two days if Key Selection Criteria are requested.

If you need the VIP Premium treatment, the investment will be an extra $60-99 depending on what is required in the application, how many documents I need to prepare for you and how many days I need to turn the application around.

2. How can I pay?

Generally an invoice will be sent via Wave (an accounting program) and you can directly deposit into the Get Noticed Resumes bank account. I also offer Stripe payment gateway.

3. Do you offer payment plans?

At this time I do not offer payment plans but that doesn’t mean I won’t in the future.

4. Do you guarantee me an interview or a job?

No one can promise you that and the hiring process is out of my control. There can be many reasons why you don’t get a job or an interview, but what you will get is a very professionally created document in a far superior format and quality than that you had before.

My clients are very happy with my work. I have testimonials on my website my Facebook page and LinkedIn profile that you can take a look at. I am great at what I do and it’s my aim to make sure you have the best chance at being interviewed or landing your dream role.

I have found the most successful clients have been those who have invested in themselves and ensured all their documents, branding and mindset are clear and consistent.

5. Do you create generic resumes and cover letters?

I can, but I prefer not to. A tailored and targeted application has a higher chance of landing a dream job and the proof is in my testimonials. If you want to make your next employer feel special, don’t give them what you give everyone else. Make them feel loved and special by making an effort to prove that they are worth fighting for by making sure you customise each and every single application to the job at hand.

If you order a Resume/Cover letter/LinkedIn package and do not have a job in mind yet, it’s best to get some career guidance or job seeker coaching first so that you can be clear on what your dream role is and then apply for that, instead of applying for 100 different roles and getting knock backs.

If you would like to spruce up your resume and have it ready in case of a last-minute application, then I will tailor your resume to one job type or industry type for this purpose. It’s better to be ready with a much better resume on hand, than leaving it to the last minute and not having one at all.

6. Can I use my Selection Criteria responses for any government job?

I understand that Selection Criteria are hard to write and very time consuming and that they seem costly, but you have tried to write these yourself and you know how hard they are to write and how much time they take to do. There is a good reason for that. Government jobs are hard to get and they want you to work for them but they also want the right person for the job.

So, you probably can use previously written criteria, but I prefer you don’t. See, when you apply for a job, the job will not be the same job ad or job description you are writing to. Different departments value different things and may place higher value on one criterion over another. Plus, you will have gained more experience since the last time you had them written and this means that you have more relevant recent experience to share.

My advice, it is always best to tailor every single criterion to the job that you are applying for.

7. What is considered a standard role?

Anything that is not a Team Leader or above and one that is not a government, not-for-profit, quasi-government type roles. Roles that do not have specified key selection criteria attached to them.

8. What is considered a government role?

A government role in this context is a role that is government (i.e. local, state and federal), quasi-government (various tribunals, regulatory bodies), not-for-profit sector, education sector, health sector roles. Generally, these roles request that key selection criteria be addressed in the application process.

9. You say you work for women. Do you work for men?

I target women because I have specific experiences that relate to women when it comes to finding a job, but I have done many applications for men as they too seek flexibility in work particularly if they are a dad.  Many of my clients have been men too who have been referred by great women and have also seen success in my programs.

10. Can I meet with you to discuss?

Unfortunately, you cannot meet me face-to-face in person. I do offer Zoom to clients who engage me for some of my coaching programs, but generally this is an online business and technology means we do not have to be in the same room to get your career sorted. Most consultations are over the phone.

11. Can’t I just copy and paste my Resume into my LinkedIn Profile?

LinkedIn is not just an online resume. It is a social media platform, networking site and marketing tool. I wouldn’t advise it.

I copywrite all Headlines and About/Summary sections in your LinkedIn profiles. I do keyword and key phrase research so that you profile is optimised for easy searchability. 


12. What qualifications do you have?

You can check out my LinkedIn Profile for more information about me and connect with me! 

13. What is your policy on Confidentiality?

I don’t share any of your personal information or completed documents with anyone. I don’t use them as samples to show other clients unless you have expressly given consent. See my privacy policy here

14. Do you have any free support groups?

Yes! I have support groups currently on Facebook and you can join them here. LinkedIn groups will follow soon. Join my VIP list for news as it lands!


Thanks for your interest in The Get Noticed Coach and Get Noticed Resumes and I hope to work with you soon. Get in touch here.

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