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Videos and Articles to support you and encourage you to take some action!


Videos and Articles to support you and encourage you to take some action!

The 3 Secrets to responding to Key Selection Criteria

The 3 Secrets to responding to Key Selection Criteria

Once upon a time, not that long ago, I was a recruiter on government selection panels. It was a tough gig sometimes, because if the role I was recruiting for was popular, I would unashamedly cull the applications due to errors or omissions made by applicants in their...

5 Ways to Stand Out with Your LinkedIn Profile

5 Ways to Stand Out with Your LinkedIn Profile

I’m not kidding this just happened!  It’s 9.50pm and I’m checking my LinkedIn messages, like right now. Wow, it really does happen. Yes, it’s happened to me many times, this is not the first time. I’m being headhunted for a job in the public sector. Not from a...

Redundancy – Bad Luck or Good Luck in Disguise?

Redundancy – Bad Luck or Good Luck in Disguise?

I’ll be honest, it’s never happened to me. So, I’m not going to pretend I know how it feels, I don’t. But I have seen how it affects someone who is made redundant. Especially when it has been a long drawn out process. It’s draining. It makes people anxious. The...

Stand Out Key Selection Criteria

Stand Out Key Selection Criteria

Why are Key Selection Criteria so hard to write? In fact, why do employers, particularly government departments demand them? The main reason is in order to apply the merit principle to the recruitment process, all candidates must be assessed with the same criteria....

Welcome to The Get Noticed Coach

Welcome to The Get Noticed Coach

Wow everyone, I’m finally here.   I have never written a blog, but I do tend to write a lot, and I mean a lot! In fact, I express myself better in words than I do in person, ask anyone I know. They have received the long-winded birthday card, or Christmas card,...

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